Strategic Plan
weCHC board of directors, leadership team and staff understand challenges faced by clients in accessing health care services. The team at weCHC works collaboratively with community partners to develop programs and services to eliminate barriers and challenges in care access.
Improving health outcomes for individuals, families, and communities is the primary goal of each member of the organization.
As healthcare grows in complexity and client needs escalate, it is essential that weCHC plan activities that are strongly aligned with our Strategic Vision, Mission, and Values.
weCHC board of directors, leadership team and staff worked together to determine the key priority areas for 2023-2026 that value client experience and achieve organizational and provincial goals.
Advance Health Equity and Inclusivity
Operational objectives
- Collaborate to strengthen and build partnerships
- Enhance DEI programs for our staff
- Serve and engage communities with intentionality
Enhance Capacity and Sustainability
Operational Objectives
- Refine a comprehensive organizational performance measurement system
- Initiate an active partnership in the development of WE Ontario Health Team
- Develop a risk management assessment tool
- Increase community awareness of CHC
Cultivate a People Strategy
Operational Objectives
- Enhance employee recruitment
- Improve employee retention
- Create a supportive, human-centric workplace culture
- Provide recognition, engagement, and professional development
Promote a Culture of Quality and Safety
- Deliver evidence informed programs and services
- Build a quality improvement plan
- Foster occupational health and safety standards
Person-Centered Focus
As healthcare delivery in Ontario evolves to ensure a person centered focus supportive by effective and efficient care delivery, the Windsor Essex Community Health Centre will continue to seek opportunities to improve services for clients. Offering a comprehensive care experience for clients, weCHC will move the deliver into the future, increasing leadership and organizational capacity to determine the needs of clients in innovative ways, ensuring that care is received in the most fitting way.
A key healthcare delivery partner in the Windsor Essex region, weCHC board of directors and leadership team understand the importance of working closely with local partners and is committed to creating a collaborative atmosphere in care design. With a strong history in delivering care to challenging populations, weCHC will continue to ensure that care offerings are accessible and equitable, serving the needs of a diverse clientele.