Nutrition assessment and counselling services are provided, free of charge by a Registered Dietitian for individuals in the community. Individual counselling is provided for chronic disease management, adapting to the Canadian Food supply, gastrointestinal disorders, and other nutrition concerns. Counselling is available for all ages.
To find out if the dietitian can see you, call one of our locations below. Individuals will be contacted to complete a brief intake by phone.
To contact Leamington, please call (519) 997-2828.
To contact Pickwick, please call 519-997-2827.
To contact Sandwich, please call 519-258-6002 ext. 733.
Eat4Life is a free program run by the Community Primary Care and Public Health Partnership of Windsor Essex County. The goal of Eat4Life is to build a foundation of healthy habits that will help you to make healthy choices for life. weCHC currently offers the Healthy Lifestyles and Mindful Eating Eat4Life courses which are 5 weeks long.
Additional Nutrition classes are also hosted throughout the year across Windsor-Essex. Call one of our locations below for updated information on a group or class happening near you.