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Youth Addictions Counselling

Teen Health offers Youth Addictions Counselling to individuals ages 12-17:

  • seeking support to assist them with the challenges of change and recovery.
  • to manage substance use behaviours.
  • to provide emotional support stemming from the social consequence of addiction for those affected by a loved one’s addiction.

Youth who are experiencing addiction, have experienced addiction in the past, or who have been impacted by a loved one’s addiction are eligible for this program. This includes addiction to substances and behavioural addictions (such as the internet, social media, gaming, etc.).

Parent 1-on-1

Our Parent 1-on-1 is a one-time, one-hour, confidential support consultation session with a therapist specializing in addiction treatment. This program aims to address concerns and encourage the family’s next step toward healing and recovery. A self-referral is required.

For more information on Youth Addictions Counselling at Teen Health, please call 519-253-8481 ext. 239.