The weCHC Teen Health “David Jaggs Memorial Library” was founded in memory of Richard David Jaggs son of the founding director of the Centre Reverend Dr. W.K. Jaggs SSC and his wife, Leda. On October 4, 1989, David, a 24-year-old newlywed and pre-law student was killed by a drunken driver in Los Angeles, California.
Families, friends and associates responded to the tragedy with donations, which were collected in a trust fund which supports the library to this day.
In the past, the library housed a collection of articles, periodicals, books, journals and audio/visual materials that pertained to young people aged 12 to 24 years. As technology has progressed, traditional libraries have lost much of their appeal; as a result, the staff at weCHC – Teen Health have begun to work on the development of the “David Jaggs Electronic Library”; one that will provide youth with the ability to access up-to-date, pertinent information about things that “keep them up at night.”
weCHC – Teen Health will work with community partners and youth to ensure that this site appeals to and is pertinent to young people. Please stay tuned for more information as we develop the “David Jaggs Memorial Library” electronic site.
In the past, the library was open for a limited of hours every weekday, the new electronic site will be available to youth 24/7.